How to Host A Vogue September Issue Party
Even if your current fashion style is more traditional than trendy, have a girlfriend party!
Back in the day when it was almost time for school to start, I would go to the store and buy the oh soooooooo heavy September issue of Vogue that was filled with tweeds and plaids and sweaters. Not that I had any fashion sense whatsoever, but that issue always got me giddy about the new season - going back to school - cooler weather, best clothes of the year, etc.
These days, I pretty much just read Vogue when I'm getting my nails done, but this year Beyonce is on the cover, and I thought, now that the kids are back in school and everyone is home from summer travels, what a great excuse for a party! And if you want an idea for another girlfriend party, but fashion just isn't your thing, check out this post on a Girlfriends & Gratitude Luncheon.
But before I go any further, can we just talk about that darling drawing of the Vogue cover above?!?!
I mean SERIOUSLY. It is the artwork of Jennifer Vallez of Sophie & Lili, which is also one of my favorite Instagram accounts (yes, I am linking to her account - it is that darn cute!) I am not affiliated with her at all, but you can buy notecards, prints, etc. of the cutest things. Her work is brilliant and happy and I was so excited she let me use this image here!!! Thank you, Jen!
Okay, back to the party . . . . . . here are a few ideas:
1 | Of course, go out and buy enough September issues to have one for each guest (all 646 pages). That's your starting point. Flip through it and you will probably find more ideas than I can give here since I haven't yet seen it!
2 | Obviously, have Beyonce playing as your guests arrive.
3 | Get a copy of The Devil Wears Prada (you know you have it - pull it out) and have it playing in the background.
4 | Show the three-minute video of the behind-the-scenes of the making of the September cover. Here it is below.
5 | Pull out the plaids for your table decor. You know the issue is going to show sweaters and tweeds, so theme it up! Go to Pinterest and search 2018 Fall Fashion for more ideas. You can also use a lot of gold, which is what this issue's cover masthead is. If your table works with the cover, have a copy at each person's place - it will really bring your table to life!
6 | Ask your florist (or just go to the grocery store) for flowers that are similar, at least in color, to the arrangement on Beyonce's head. Bright pinks, bright yellows, pale pinks. I've seen a couple of different arrangements and not sure which made the final cover - I think there are a couple out there. Bonus if you can find a plaid fabric that matches the florals!
“Celebrate what you love with those you love. Now that’s a wonderful party. ”
7 | Ask your friends to bring any gently used clothing items they would like to donate (it is called the Big Fashion Issue, after all). Personally, I love to donate to Dress For Success which helps women achieve economic independence through their attire (for interviews, etc.) and support.
8 | If you live in a city with a department store, go to the beauty department and see if they will give you samples of some of the brands that advertise in Vogue. Often, they will give you the perfume or make-up samples if less than 20. Bonus: if you have really high end stores, ask each one for a small bag (Gucci, Dior, etc.). these are the brands you always see in the front pages of most issues of Vogue. You could have a tag on the bag that says, Last Look, which always the last page of any Vogue issue.
9 | Do you have anyone who would let you borrow a mannequin? Dress her in all the fall trends, put a pair of oversized sunglasses on her and have her standing at the door. Could she be pointing to a tray of cocktails? Great photo opp!
That's it! Once the issue is on the stands, there may be more ideas. Just celebrate your friends and fall and have a great time. Here's to sweaters!
(perspective shift)
Look around and come up with new ideas for celebrations. A magazine? Why not? Do you have an annual issue of another magazine that you love? It will fill you with inspiration for a party that celebrates what you love with those you love.