Ways to Improve the Customer Experience
from my mom
My mother was born with the hospitality gene. She makes friends, friends of friends, guests at church, and strangers on the subway - they feel like they are the most important person in the room. Through the way she lives, she teaches so much about graciousness, welcoming others, and making sure that guests feel at home, cared for, and delighted.
from making an emotional connection, to hospitality, to empathy, she leads by example
She creates parties with purpose and sets a beautiful table. But it's so much more than that.
My mother sincerely cares about how others feel, and she lives this with an authenticity that is beautiful to watch.
Now, I grew up in the South, so being welcoming is what we do. But years ago, I lived in Manhattan and Mom and Dad would visit quite often. Seeing New York through their eyes was fascinating.
Granted, the three of us didn’t do the subway much (that’s one of the greatest things about having guests in New York - you take cabs with your visitors), but one day they wanted to “experience the subway.” So, we are on the 6 Train, which goes up and down Lexington. And, my mother is actually having a conversation with someone. On the subway.
At Top of the Rock she is on a bench with her new best friend.
In one of New York’s most exclusive Upper East Side hotels, she completely charmed the maitre d’ and had him bringing out all sorts of (on the house) surprises for her. Hmmmmmm. How did this happen?
Well, not only does she have a high EQ (emotional intelligence), but she simply respects others and their time. If someone is giving her their time, she treasures it like a gift. If someone is going to spend time in her home, she feels honored that they would choose to spend that time with her, and treats that gift with respect and gratitude.
“When others give us their time, or their money what is our responsibility to them? ”
When someone gives you their time their money - when they book a room at your hotel, when they buy the perfect dress in your shop, when they hire you for a service, do you have any responsibility beyond that basic room/dress/service?
Think about this - for most of you who are reading this, your business does not just deal in the exchange of commodities - it is often a luxury (perhaps a needed luxury, but still) and requires trust on the part of the customer.
They trust that the the hotel will keep them safe, that the workshop will teach them what they need to know, that the party will be fun, that you will design a website that works and supports their business, that the rooms you design will help them create the lifestyle of which they’ve dreamed. They believe that you will provide what they need.
How do you make sure you do that?
Oh, there are so, so many ways, most of which take a bit of human compassion. No time for that in your business? Hmmmmmm. If that is the case, I wonder what type of business it is. Here’s another post about the importance of thoughtfulness in your business. Let's just hope that if you are reading this, that is not the case and perhaps start with these three things:
Care about your guest. Truly care about your guests. If you do not really care about them and instead just care about what they spend, then you will never really embody this heart of hospitality. And if this is the case, you are conducting a transaction, not creating an experience.
Ask yourself how you want them to feel. Safe? Pampered? Relaxed? In control? Think through all the touchpoints. How would you feel if you were the customer? The ability to become your customer is often the simplest and easiest way to shift. Make an emotional connection.
Step into their shoes. Become your client. Do what they do - fill out the form, Google map your shop, walk in the door, call your business, sit in your lobby, etc. Then, take #2 and think about what they are thinking/feeling/experiencing during each step. And address that feeling. Grab the guide to help you do that here.
Whether you are running a business or just trying to live with more intention and where hospitality is a core value, then you are fortunate. Especially today, our world operates as a two-way street of both serving and receiving. Each day is filled with opportunities to affect the way others feel, change their day, help them feel noticed and cared for.
Yes, it is good for business, but it is also a good way to live.